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10 Nov Louise Ogborn was always willing to take on extra shifts at It was Ogborn's word against the accusation of a man claiming to be a cop, and she At one point on the video, Ogborn was "spanked" for almost 10 full minutes.

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5 Oct Today a jury in Bullitt County, Ky., awarded Louise Ogborn $5 million in Summers says she never second-guessed what she was being asked to At one point on the video, Ogborn was "spanked" for almost 10 full minutes.

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Description:On April 9, , Ogborn offered to work through the restaurant's evening rush, trying to be helpful and make a few extra dollars. That's right, two adults pressure a third adult into stripping, a spanking and a blowjob based on the word of a stranger on the phone and the fault lies not with the gullible idiots who blindly obeyed some perceived voice of authority, but with the company that happens to have its name on the sign out front. Summers first asked Jason Bradley, one of the restaurant's cooks, to watch Ogborn. You follow the book -- you're OK. I believe he picked fast food restaurants because he knew, once you got them away from that book, once it was something outside the manual or the procedures, they would be lost. But when Siddons answered her phone, she said she'd been sleeping.

Views: 1323 Date: 2018-05-26 Favorited: 14 favorites

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