Paint paddle spank

17 Dec And if regular spanking wasn't enough, some parents even went so far as Paint Stirrer – Those plastic, paddle-like paint stirrers with holes in.

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It is a very inexpensive and super effective spanking paddle made of wallet friendly materials: 2 paint stirrers and wood glue.

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Description:Terminology[ edit ] In North America , the word "spanking" has often been used as a synonym for an official paddling in school, [4] and sometimes even as a euphemism for the formal corporal punishment of adults in an institution. In the United Kingdom , Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, the word "smacking" is generally used in preference to "spanking" when describing striking with an open hand, rather than with an implement. Whereas a spanking is invariably administered to the bottom, a "smacking" is less specific and may refer to slapping the child's hands, arms or legs as well as its bottom. However, research has indicated that spanking or any other form of corporal punishment , tends to have the opposite effect. For example, such techniques include time-ins increasing attention, praise, and special time to promote desired behaviors , time outs taking a break from escalating misbehavior , positive reinforcement rewarding desirable behavior e. School corporal punishment Corporal punishment, usually delivered with an implement such as a paddle or cane rather than with the open hand, used to be a common form of school discipline in many countries, but it is now banned in most of the Western World.

Views: 8041 Date: 2018-05-22 Favorited: 1 favorites

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